Greenfield Church of Christ
- Speaking Where The Bible Speaks, And Being Silent Where It Is Silent-
Christian Living
Christian Living
Introduction to Discipleship
1 Definition of disciple a Disciple – from the Greek mathetes (math-ay-tes) – meaning one who is taught or trained. In the scriptures it is far more than a student. It usually used in a way meaning those lives
that are entwined with Christ and his instructions.
b In this study we will look at key characteristics that is found in those who are genuine disciples of Christ.
2 John 8:31-32 – a disciple is involved with the Words' of Christ a Consistently- Studying God's word in set pattern of time.
b Contemplatively – Prolong thought and mediation of God's word c Compliantly – Agree and obeying God's word d When we study God's word consistently, mediate on it and apply to our life the results of these efforts are true freedom.
3 John 13:34-35 – a disciple is one who loves a More than good deeds (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) b Christ set the example (1 John 3:16) c Laying down our life means we die to certain things. These things are obstacles that get in our way to serve Christ and our brethren such as: rights, time, money, possessions, etc.
4 John 15:4-5 – a disciple is one who bears fruit a Proves that one is a disciple (John 15:8) b This is a commission by the Lord. (John 15:16; Matthew 9:37) c There is a great need (Matthew 9:37-38) d How does reproduction happen? (John 17:20; Romans 10:13-17) Christian Living
1. Definition
a. Man's-
• Webster: beauty or charm of form, composition, movement or
expression. An attractive quality
• Classical Greek: CHARIS – a gift or favor bestowed on a friend out of the free-heartedness of the giver, with no
expectation of a return.
b. God's
• Favor which precede a gift, but not restricted that a gift
must be given.
• Genesis 6:8-9; John 3:17-21 – God reaches out to those who seek truth and righteousness.
2. How It Affects Our Lives. (Ephesians 2:1-10)
a. Takes us from where we were:
• Ephesians 2:1-3; Isaiah 59:1-2
b. We have been transferred from that former life by God's love
and mercy (Ephesians 2:3)
• Into a life with Christ. (Ephesians 2:5) o This involves and immediate destination (Ephesians 2:6). We become seated with Christ, and our citizenship than
becomes in the heavenly realms (Philippians 3:20)
o And this also involves a final destination. (Ephesians
c. Grace lights our path, showing us the way to God. It exposes deeds of darkness, showing them to be sinful, exposing them for what they are. (Titus 3:3-7)
Remember this is BUT This is what it has become how it was
Eph. 2:13 Eph. 2:19-22
Eph. 2:11-12 Blood of a Christ
“far away” Eph. 2:14-18 Brought near
Eph. 2:1-3 Eph. 2:4-7 Eph.2:8-10
Dead because of Alive in Christ Saved by God's Grace sin
3. How we respond to God's grace. (Titus 2:11-14). Once grace
becomes apparent, or is recognized by us it:
a. Teaches us to say “No” (Titus 2:12a)
• To ungodliness. (Galatians 5:19-21)
• To Worldly passions. (Titus 3:3)
b. But, it also teaches us to say “yes”. (Titus 2:12b)
• To Self-control (Titus 2:2,5-6) o Vigilant o Sound judgment
• To righteousness (upright) o Moral uprightness o Without prejudice, just
• To Godliness – living a life pleasing to God, reverence to
Him and the things that come from Him.
o His Spirit works in us to make us like Him.
(Galatians 5:22-24)
o His Spirit Speaks to us through the Scriptures
(2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 6:17)
c. Finally, Grace energizes us to do will. (Titus 2:14)
• God has created as Christians to do good works
(Ephesians 2:10)
Christian Living
1. Definition
a. Webster: Compassion or forbearance show to an offender or subject; implies compassion that forbears punishing even when
justice demands it.
b. Vines: the outward manifestation of pity; it assumes need on the part of him who receives it, and resources adequate to
meet the need on the part of him who shows it.
c. Helping until there is no more need.
2. One of the characteristics of God.
a. God don’t give us what we deserve. (Psalms 103:8-17)
b. Draw near To God to receive Mercy. (Hebrews 4:16)
c. God wants to be merciful to all. (2 Peter 3:9)
d. He extend it to the humble. (Luke 18:9-14)
3. How we should respond to God's mercy.
a. Give ourselves to Him. (Romans 12.1)
b. Be merciful ourselves. (Matthew 5:7)
• Warning if we don't (James 2:13)
c. Needs to be done with a right attitude. (Romans 12:8)
d. True Mercy does not expect a return. (Luke 14:12-14)
Christian Living
1. Definition
a. Webster: affection based on admiration or benevolence; warm
attachment or enthusiasm; unselfish concern for another.
b. New Testament – Greek
• Agape - “Christian love whether exercised toward the brethren, or toward men generally, is not an impulse from the feelings, it does not always run with the natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some attraction has been discovered. Love seeks the
welfare of all, and works no ill to any” Vines
• Phileo – Tender affection, brotherly love, a love that is
rooted in affection and the heart.
c. John 21:15-17
2. God's Love expressed through Christ.
a. The Sacrifice demonstrates the degree of God's love. (John
b. Christ's Death and the love manifested was not limited to
just a few. (Romans 5:8)
c. God's love is not reactive, other words not a responsive
love. (1 John 4:19)
d. God's love fills man. (Ephesians 3:14-19)
3. Man's response to God's love.
a. Love begets love, man love is a response to God's love.
(1 John 4:19)
• The Love we demonstrate back towards God is a love without reserve, but we also show love towards are fellow man.
(Mark 12:30-31; Leviticus 19:11-19)
b. Love is accomplished through obedience.
(1 john 5:3; John 14:21)
c. Purpose for this love
• It testify who we are. (John 13:35)
• Unites all Virtues. (Col 3:12-14)
1 Corinthians 13:1-7
(1) I may speak in the languages of humans and of angels. But if I
don't have love, I am a loud gong or a clashing cymbal.
(2) I may have the gift to speak what God has revealed, and I may understand all mysteries and have all knowledge. I may even have enough faith to move mountains. But if I don't have love, I am
(3) I may even give away all that I have and give up my body to be burned. But if I don't have love, none of these things will help
(4) Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't
sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant.
(5) It isn't rude. It doesn't think about itself. It isn't
irritable. It doesn't keep track of wrongs.
(6) It isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the
(7) Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never
stops hoping, never gives up.
The Cost of Discipleship
1. Definition of “Cost”:
a. Dictionary: that which must be expended, or lost, in order to obtain, or find, something else; that which is given up in
any exchange.
b. The cost of changing to become a disciple of Christ.
• Self – Luke 9:23-26
• Old goals (masters) – Matthew 6:24
• Everything – Matthew 13:45-46
c. Jesus gives the Cost of discipleship In Luke 14:25-35, but also gives us examples why one must count up the cost of
following Him.
• Family, life, possessions
• Building a tower (vs. 28-30)
• Going to war (vs. 31-32)
• Better not to know than to fall away. (2 Peter 2:20-22)
2. One of the biggest thing involved in counting up the cost is to
make the change, or repentance.
a. What is repentance and how does God feel about it?
(Ezekiel 18:30-32)
b. What causes man to repentance? (2 Corinthians 7:9-11)
c. How does it happen? (Ephesians 4:22-32)
• Putting of the old (vs. 22)
• Renewal of mind-set, attitude. (vs. 23)
• Putting on what is right. (vs. 24)
• Some examples of change. (vs. 25-32)
3. Once the cost is paid, and change is done, we then must make Jesus Lord of Our Life.
a. Jesus is ALREADY Lord by virtue of the fact that the Father made Him Lord, but we must personally acknowledge His authority, power and position by faith.
(Philippians 2:9-12; Matthew 10:32-33; Romans 10:9-10)
b. The paradox of Christianity: To live, we must die. To gain,
we must lose. (John 12:24-26; Philippians 3:1-11)
c. Commitment involves:
• No reservations. (2 Timothy 1:12)
• Full surrender. (2 Corinthians 5:15)
Suffering For Christ
Definition of “suffering”
a To undergo something painful or unpleasant; to allow, permit,
or tolerate; and to bear up under, endure.
b Examples of Christians suffering.
• First century Christians. (Hebrews 10:32-34)
• Apostle Paul. (2 Corinthians 11:23-29)
• Stephen. (Acts 7:57-60)
2 Understanding Christian Suffering a WHO will Suffer?
• All who desire to live godly. (2 Timothy 3:12)
• All who wear the Name Christian. (John 15:20-21) b WHEN will we suffer?
• As soon as one follows Christ and His word, suffering “for Christ” can confidently be expected.
(1 Thessalonians 3:2-4)
c WHY will Christians suffer?
• Because we belong to Christ. (Philippians 1:29)
• Suffering develops perseverance and steadfastness.
(James 1:2-4)
• To refine our Faith. (1 Peter 1:6-7) d HOW do we handle suffering? (What is our attitude?)
• With rejoicing. (Acts 5:41)
• Following Christ example. (1 Peter 2:21-23)
Church Attendance
Regular church attendance is a scriptural requirement.
a Meeting each first day of the week is required.
• Disciples met on the first day of the week to participate
in communion. (Acts 20:7)
• Commanded not to forsake the assembling of ourselves.
(Hebrews 10:25)
b Attending other services.
• Jerusalem disciples met every day for a time. (Acts 2:46) • Paul taught at Ephesus publicly and privately.
(Acts 20:20,31)
• We are always to abound in the Lord's Work, and this can include to participate in other fellowship events.
(1 Corinthians 15:59)
2 Motive for Church attendance a Improper motives.
• For entertainment.
• Just a habit.
• To see and be seen.
• Solely for social reasons.
• Because of fine buildings.
• For business reasons. b Right Motives.
• To obey God, because we love him. (John 14:21-23) • Because of what we miss if we are absent.
o Strength from Christian association. (Romans 1:12) o Edification. (Ephesians 4:16)
The Blessing of Fellowship
Definition of “Fellowship”
a Webster: A mutual sharing; a group of people with the same
interests, a brotherhood.
b Vine's Expository Dictionary of the New Testaments words: KOINONIA, a communion, fellowship, sharing in common; that
which is an outcome of contribution.
c Terms that are scripturally synonymous.
• Fellowship
• Contribution, to contribute
• Communion, to commune
• Participation, to participate
2 Examples of Fellowship a Early Church devoted to it. (Acts 2:42) b Contribution to help other. (Romans 15:26) c Sunday public assembly. (Acts 20:7) d Midweek public assembly. (Acts 2:46) e Group Activities.
• Bible studies. (Acts 20:20)
• Potlucks, fellowship dinners. (Jude 12)
3 The Importance of Fellowship a Blessing from God
• Fellowship is the first installment of our inheritance.
(Ephesians 1:18; Colossians 1:12; Acts 20:32)
• God desires for us to receive the blessings of His inheritance NOW, and those blessings are IN the fellowship. We receive those blessings through our participation in the
b Not all blessings are optional.
• Old Testament Principle – Children of Israel became subject to wrath because they did not actively pursue the blessings
God had prepared for them. (Deuteronomy 1:19-21, 26,39)
• New Testament Application – In the same way, we can be displeasing to God if we do not take advantage of the
blessings He intends for us to have. (1 Corinthians 10:1-6)
c We must take our place in God's household. A brick laying around the house is not a part of the house, it must be
mortared together with the other bricks. (Ephesians 2:19-22)
Lord's Supper
1 Introduction: The central theme of the Christian religion is the death and suffering of Christ on the cross to redeem us from our sins and give us the hope of eternal life. The central part of our worship on the Lord's Day, the Lord's Supper, is a commemoration of that sacrifice. By a proper observance of this memorial feast once a week, our appreciation of that sacrifice is increased, our purpose in life as a Christian is reemphasized, and our strength to resist temptation is renewed.
2 What is the Lord's Supper?
a It is a memorial.
• Matthew 26:26-29
• 1 Corinthians 11:24,26 b Communion with Christ
• 1 Corinthians 10:16-17. Every Christian when ushered into God's kingdom by Baptism, makes an appointment to meet Christ around His table on the first day of the week. No appointment with earthly, family, or of our personal
pleasure ought to take priority over this appointment.
c Proclaim the Lord's death
• 1 Corinthians 11:26
3 The Elements of the Lord's Supper.
a The BREAD. (1 Corinthians 11:23-24). Note that Jesus was
using the unleavened bread of the Passover feast.
b The FRUIT OF THE VINE. (Matthew 26:27-29). Note the terms “cup” and “fruit of the vine” are used interchangeably. Jesus us talking about the contents, not the container.
c Are the terms “body” and “blood” used figuratively in these
• The Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation teaches that the literal body and the literal blood of Christ are
present in the observance of the Lord's Supper.
• Arguments for the use of these terms in a figurative sense. o Remember that Jesus was alive at the institution of the
Lord's Supper.
o When he said “take, eat, this is my body”, he was
handing them unleavened bread.
o When he said “this is my blood of the covenant, which is
poured out for man unto remission of sins”, His Blood was still in his veins, but he was handing them the fruit of the vine.
4 Who may partake of the Lord's supper a Those who are in the kingdom of Christ or other words member of the Lord's Church. (1 Corinthians 11:23-24)
5 When and how often do we observe the Lord's supper?
a If there is no divine regulation about the matter, no approved apostolic example or command, then whether a man partook every day or once a year or even once a lifetime
would be a matter of human choice.
b However there is a command to assemble. (Hebrews 10:25) c There was a day of assembly. (Acts 20:7). Note the meeting of the disciples and the breaking of the bread are both expressed in the same terms. If they met upon the first day
of the week, they broke bread upon the first day of the week.
d The example of the Corinthians church.
• They assembled or “came together” to partake of the Lord's
Supper. (1 Corinthians 11:18, 20-23, 33, 34)
• They gave of their means when they assembled. And this was done on the First day of every week.(1 Corinthians 16:2)
6 What should our attitude be in observing the Lord's supper? a Self-examination. (1 Corinthians 11:28; Psalms 139:23-24) b In a Worthy Manner. (1 Corinthians 11:27-32). Note “unworthily” is an adverb denoting manner, not an adjective
denoting a state or condition.
c But Conduct does play a big part in the observation of the Lord's Supper. (1 Corinthians 10:20-21). The Self-examination that is done needs to be sincere one were changes our made, we can do great harm to our spiritual welfare if we observe the Lord's supper and live a life in rejection to God's